Monday, April 15, 2024


*MAKE EVERY SECOND COUNT THIS NEW WEEK.* As the sun rises on this new week, let its light ignite the fire within you. Embrace each moment as a precious gift, a chance to rewrite your story, to pursue your dreams with unwavering determination. In every tick of the clock, lies an opportunity waiting to be seized, a chance to take a step closer to your goals. Make every second count, for time is the currency of life, and how you spend it shapes your destiny. Let go of yesterday's regrets and failures, for they are but stepping stones on the path to success. Today is a blank canvas, waiting for your bold strokes of ambition and perseverance. Embrace challenges as catalysts for growth, for it is in overcoming obstacles that we discover our true strength and resilience. With each hurdle you conquer, you become stronger, wiser, and more unstoppable. Believe in yourself, for you possess the power to create the life you desire. Set your intentions with clarity and purpose, and let nothing deter you from achieving greatness. Remember, success is not measured by the number of hours in a day, but by the passion and dedication you infuse into every moment. Whether you have a minute or an hour, make it count, for even the smallest actions can lead to monumental achievements. So, as you embark on this new week, seize the day with fervour and determination. Embrace the journey with open arms, and let your relentless pursuit of excellence propel you towards the extraordinary. Make every second count, for this week holds the promise of endless possibilities. Dare to dream big, work hard, and never underestimate the power of your potential. Today is your day, your week, your time to shine. Carpe diem! © April 15, 2024 Pastor Emmanuel Obu The Apostle of Joy

Friday, February 23, 2024


NIGERIA'S LEADERSHIP CONUNDRUM: THE POISONED CHALICE. In the annals of Nigerian history, a recurring motif emerges—a haunting specter that casts its shadow over the corridors of power, leaving behind a trail of devastation and despair. This motif is none other than the poisoned chalice of leadership, a symbol of the perpetual struggle for good governance amidst a landscape marred by corruption, nepotism, and religious bigotry. From the colonial era to the present day, Nigeria has grappled with the consequences of bad leadership, a curse that continues to plague its progress and development. To understand Nigeria's leadership conundrum, one must delve into its historical roots. The colonial era serves as a stark reminder of exploitation and oppression, where foreign powers pillaged Nigeria's resources for their own gain, leaving a legacy of economic disparity and social upheaval. The post-independence period witnessed a succession of corrupt and inept rulers who prioritized personal enrichment over the welfare of the nation, perpetuating a cycle of mismanagement and disillusionment among the populace. At the heart of Nigeria's leadership conundrum lies a monstrous creature—a grotesque amalgamation of corruption, nepotism, and religious bigotry. This malignant force permeates every level of society, from the highest echelons of power to the grassroots, leaving no facet of Nigerian life untouched. Corruption runs rampant, with public officials embezzling billions of dollars in public funds while the majority of Nigerians struggle to make ends meet. Nepotism and favoritism dictate government appointments and resource allocation, further entrenching the divide between the ruling elite and the marginalized masses. Religious and ethnic tensions are exploited for political gain, fueling violence and discord among communities that have coexisted for centuries. Perhaps the most insidious tactic employed by Nigeria's ruling elite is the age-old strategy of divide and rule. By exacerbating ethnic and religious tensions, politicians are able to deflect attention from their own failures and maintain their grip on power. Communities are pitted against each other, engendering mistrust and animosity where there should be unity and solidarity. This strategy not only serves to perpetuate the status quo but also undermines the fabric of Nigerian society, sowing seeds of discord that threaten to tear the nation apart. Despite the myriad challenges facing Nigeria, there is cause for hope. The Nigerian people are a resilient and resourceful lot, capable of overcoming even the most daunting of obstacles. By acknowledging the sins of the past and working together to build a brighter future, Nigeria can break free from the shackles of its poisoned chalice and reclaim its rightful place on the world stage. This journey towards redemption requires a concerted effort from all segments of society—government, civil society, and the private sector—to root out corruption, promote transparency and accountability, and foster inclusivity and unity. Nigeria's leadership conundrum is a complex and multifaceted issue that demands urgent attention and action. The poisoned chalice of bad governance threatens to undermine the fabric of Nigerian society and hinder its progress and development. However, by confronting the root causes of this crisis and working together towards a common goal, Nigeria can overcome its challenges and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. The time for change is now. The time for Nigeria to rise and shine is now. Together, let us seize the opportunity to build a brighter future for generations to come. © Emmanuel Obu February 23, 2024 Emmanuel Obu is a clergy and a brands and communications strategist based in Lagos. He is the Chief Design Officer at Design Turf Limited - an innovative and ideas agency with a design thinking outlook.

Thursday, February 15, 2024



By Pastor Emmanuel Obu (The Apostle of Joy)

The first step towards living a life of God's profound purpose, is to turn from the things of this world that rob us of direction. Our main focus needs to be to get to know God intimately and fellowship with Him. A meaningful life happens as we resolve to do God’s will and to love others as Christ loves us. In short, the believer’s goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to make us alive in Christ, to be transformed and conformed to His image by God’s grace through faith.

Our purpose is revealed as we seek God in faith and patiently study His Word. If life takes twists and turns, it doesn’t necessarily mean we have stepped out of God’s will. In fact, if our focus is on Christ, twists and turns may be an inexplicable part of His plan. Our calling may be for a specific time, such as with the prophets. Or, God, may give us certain abilities, gifts, or passions, such as with Joseph’s preparation to preserve people during a famine. Or, Esther’s mission in rescuing her people—a calling “for such a time as this.” Let’s seek the Spirit and be intentional going forward as to how we are living this life blessed by God (Pro.19:21).

Living for God transcends mere religious adherence; it's a profound commitment to a life guided by spiritual principles, moral values, and a deep sense of purpose. For millions around the world, the pursuit is a journey towards inner peace, fulfillment, and a connection to something greater than oneself.

Understanding Living for God:

At its core, living for God involves aligning one's thoughts, actions, and intentions with divine will or God's guidance. For many of us, this means adhering to the teachings and the tenets of our faith. It can also be interpreted in a broader sense, encompassing spiritual practices, mindfulness, and ethical living.

Living for God implies a deep commitment to moral integrity, compassion, and service to others. It involves cultivating virtues such as love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness in every aspect of life. Rather than being driven solely by personal desires or material pursuits, individuals who live for God seek to fulfill a higher purpose, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and their responsibility to contribute positively to the world.

Challenges and Obstacles:

While the desire to live for God can be deeply fulfilling, it is not without its challenges. In a world marked by distractions, temptations, and moral relativism, staying true to spiritual principles can be difficult. Moreover, individuals may face skepticism, criticism, or even persecution for their beliefs and practices.

Internal struggles, such as doubts, fears, and ego-driven desires, can also hinder one's ability to fully commit to living for God. Overcoming these obstacles requires self-awareness, humility, and a willingness to surrender to divine guidance. It often involves a process of inner transformation, wherein individuals confront their inner demons, cultivate virtues, and deepen their relationship with the divine.

Practical Steps to Living for God:

Living for God is not just an abstract concept but a way of life that requires daily practice and discipline. While the specifics may vary depending on one's religious or spiritual tradition, there are certain universal principles and practices that can help individuals live more authentically in alignment with divine will:

1. Prayer and Meditation On The Word: Regular communication with the divine through prayer, meditation on scriptures, can foster a deeper connection and guidance from God. It can deepen relationship with the divine.

2. Study of Scriptures and Sacred Texts: Engaging with scriptures, holy texts, or spiritual literature can provide insights, guidance, and inspiration for living a righteous life. We can gain insight into deeper revelations of God through the experiences and understanding of those who have gone before us.

3. Cultivation of Virtues: Consciously cultivating virtues such as compassion, service, humility, gratitude, love, respect and integrity can transform one's character and behaviour.

4. Service to Others: Practicing selfless service and compassion towards others, especially the less fortunate, is a tangible expression of living for God. People don't care how much you know; but they know how much you care. This is in the very core of real Christian living.

5. Surrender and Trust: Learning to surrender one's will to divine will and trusting in God's plan can alleviate anxiety and foster inner peace. Worries about tomorrow can simply be handed over to the One who knows and controls tomorrow.

6. Mindfulness and Awareness: Cultivating mindfulness and present moment awareness can help individuals stay grounded, centered, and attentive to divine guidance in everyday life.

7. Community and Fellowship: Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals, participating in religious or spiritual communities, and seeking guidance from spiritual mentors can provide support and encouragement on the spiritual journey.

Benefits of Living for God:

The rewards of living for God are not merely spiritual but extend to all aspects of life. Individuals who align their lives with divine will often experience:

1. Inner Peace and Contentment: By surrendering to divine guidance and trusting in God's plan, individuals can find profound peace and contentment, even amidst life's challenges.

2. Meaning and Purpose: Living for God gives life a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, as individuals recognize their role in serving a higher good and contributing positively to the world.

3. Compassion and Empathy: Deepening one's connection to God often leads to greater compassion, empathy, and love towards oneself and others.

4. Strength and Resilience: Faith in God provides strength and resilience to face life's difficulties with courage and grace, knowing that one is never alone.

5. Forgiveness and Healing: By embracing divine love and forgiveness, individuals can experience healing and liberation from past hurts, resentments, and regrets.


Living for God is a journey that invites individuals to transcend their ego-driven desires and align their lives with divine will. It is a path of self-discovery, inner transformation, and service to others, guided by principles of love, compassion, and integrity. While the journey may be challenging at times, the rewards are immeasurable. 

As you embark on this sacred journey, may you find the courage, strength, and grace to live authentically and wholeheartedly for God.

© Emmanuel Obu

February 15, 2024 

Emmanuel Obu is a clergy and a brands and communications strategist based in Lagos. He is the Chief Design Officer at Design Turf Limited - an innovative and ideas agency with a design thinking outlook.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024



In the bustling metropolises of Nigeria, a seemingly innocuous mode of transportation has grown into a pervasive menace on the roads – the notorious Keke Napep. While these three-wheeled contraptions are commonly associated with convenience, their presence on major highways has escalated into a hazardous competition with cars and lorries, leaving a trail of chaos and danger in their wake.

The rise of Keke Napep, officially known as tricycles or auto rickshaws, has been both a boon and a bane. On one hand, they offer affordable and accessible transportation, particularly in densely populated urban areas where maneuvering larger vehicles can be challenging. However, the lack of adequate regulation and oversight has allowed these tricycles to transform into bedbugs, infesting the roadways and endangering both commuters and other road users.

One of the most glaring issues is the audacious competition for space on major highways. Keke Napep drivers, often desperate to maximize their fares, engage in reckless maneuvers, weaving through traffic with little regard for traffic rules or the safety of their passengers. The consequences are dire, as collisions with cars and lorries have become alarmingly frequent, resulting in injuries and fatalities that could have been easily avoided.

Moreover, the economic impact of these clashes extends beyond human lives. Businesses along major roadways suffer disruptions due to the constant gridlock caused by these tricycles jostling for position. The once smooth flow of traffic has been replaced by a chaotic dance of competing vehicles, exacerbating the already challenging conditions for commerce in these areas.

The clamour for regulatory intervention has been met with inertia, as the sheer number of Keke Napeps on the roads has overwhelmed law enforcement agencies. Calls for stricter licensing requirements, training programs for drivers, and designated routes have fallen on deaf ears, allowing the bedbugs to multiply and spread further.

As Nigeria grapples with the multifaceted challenges of urbanization, addressing the Keke Napep problem becomes imperative. A comprehensive approach involving government agencies, law enforcement, and transportation authorities is needed to curb the reckless competition on major highways. Only through coordinated efforts can the bedbugs be exterminated, restoring order and safety to the once congested roadways of our major metropolises.

© Emmanuel Obu

January 23, 2024 

Emmanuel Obu is a clergy and a brands and communications strategist based in Lagos. He is the Chief Design Officer at Design Turf Limited - an innovative and ideas agency with a design thinking outlook.